Bella In Bloom

This photoshoot was not planned! I was in a mood and wanted to make something different so I sent a message to my flower wholesaler asking for 5 random pretty or weird things. I’ve got a really good relationship with my wholesaler, she knows what I like and what I havnt used much before. I got sent pods, purple hyacinths, mauve hellebores, violets and peach stocks. I had some thrypt, blushing brides and queen annes lace hanging around from last weeks wedding. I sat on my garage floor late one night after putting the kiddies to bed and just created. I set myself a time limit so I couldn’t fix it too much and let the wildness go crazy.

So I sent a preview photo to my mate Rene of Blush and Mint Photography and we make this shoot happen the next day pretty quickly. And if that wasn’t cool enough it also got publish on the Eco Brides blog 🙂



Same model, same bouquet. But boy does a change a dress and hair make to the overall look and feel of these photos! 2 beautiful vintage dresses from The Vintage Bride Boutique were used for this shoot, the above one very soft and flowey white and the below one a silky cream. Its amazing how different they are yet how the bouquet works with both looks very well.






Photographer – Blush and Mint Photography

Flowers – Bella In Bloom

Dress – The Vintage Bride Boutique

Models: Alexia

Featured on – Eco Brides Magazine